3rd July 2014

First step,,,,

It just need only 1 day more from the day I write this blog.
On 3rd July, I will be your fiance. (smile happy and relieved)
Actually, in batakness, there is no fiance thing.
We call it Martumpol or Marhatasinamot.

A little sad, My wedding step is different with generally step to wedding for batakness people.
Because I will marry a catholic man.
In catholic, there is no martumpol thing.
But, my father insist to make a simple ceremony in woman party.
Because,both of them, I mean my father and mother dream their only daughter
to through that tradition like all batakness daughter.

The second point is, In batak, if there is no martumpol or marhatasinamot before marriage, it elope
in Bahasa"Kawin Lari". ILLEGAL.
so strange actually, but it is tradition. We have our own step before marriage.
There is many steps (I have written in my blog) but we just through some.

The time is 17.51. I have to go now.
Many things to be prepared.
Wish me luck.
3rd July, please be nice to us.


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